With a Rome to Naples Transfer service you’ll travel in a comfortable Transfers Rome private car following the footsteps of ancient travelers, attracted by natural, historical and artistic beauties of the Lazio region, the last part of the Tyrrhenian Coast till the unforgettable Bay of Naples in Campania.
The Latin poet Horace in his Satire V described his admirable trip from Rome to Brindisi along the Appian Way, the main road that starting just out of the Urbe from Porta Capena, next to the famous Baths of Caracalla, crossed the Pontine Marshes leading to the wonderful Pugliese city facing the Adriatic Sea. The paved road in silica offered travelers a spectacular route in the middle of prestigious Roman monuments and mausoleums to the point of being defined as the “queen of roads” by the Latin poet Statius.
The road that you’ll follow in the Rome to Naples transfers in a chauffeur driven private car will be instead the A1 highway, also known as the Autostrada del Sole, that crosses the whole Italian peninsula starting from Milan, passing through Bologna, Florence, Rome and finally arriving in Naples.
The artist Luigi Rossini in his collection of drawings “Viaggio Pittoresco da Roma a Napoli” (1839) remembers how from the Appian Way one could admire: refined views of Rome, of its antiquities, of the surrounding countryside and of the other cities found along the journey to Naples. The ancient Roman road reached in Campania the city of Capua, a town of ancient origins lying on a bend of the river Volturno.
The service offered by our company will make you rediscover the wonders of the landscape between Lazio and Campania, comfortably traveling in a wonderful car equipped with every comfort. During your transfer you’ll discover the cities of Frosinone, formerly inhabited by the Volsci, and Cassino, known for its renowned Abbey of Monte Cassino. Leaving the Ciociaria region, you’ll then arrive in Campania, where you’ll be able to see the city of Capua, with many monuments to visit, such as the Basilica Benedettina of Sant’Angelo in Formis (late 11th century), and Caserta, famous for its sumptuous Bourbon Royal Palace.
During your Rome to Naples Transfer you could also decide to stop in one of the splendid Italian places that you will find along the way or choose to enjoy the view from your car window until you arrive in Naples. During the transfers there will be planned breaks at roadside bars to have a coffee, buy a newspaper, etc. If you wish, you can also combine a Naples tour to your transfer, always traveling in a Transfers Rome private car.
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